Monday, September 19, 2011

My Muffin Top is All That!

So I'm going to address the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about. FAT!!!
 The bacon munching, sweet tooth snacking, diet coke slurping, only going to eat one Pringle "once you pop the fun don't stop" loving Fat!
So this morning not unlike most mornings, I proceeded to my closet/full length for the Self Esteem Olympics. Opening ceremonies are concluded with me frowning in the mirror, which is followed by the 50 meter you-look-great-in-tights-really! relay, to the 360 degree does-this-skirt-make-my-ass-look-fat? decathlon. Once all is said and done, there my muffin tops stares back at me, it sits proudly, unruly with a with a whole lot of moxy. With the sassy black woman neck roll saying" I dare you to do something about me!" So I  shimmy my way into my never fail "faja" and tell my M.T. to suck it, as I grab my favorite cardi and dash out my door but not before my umpteenth double check in the mirror, to face the world... muffintop intact.
So with my lap band surgery 9 days away, my M.T. and I want to welcome you to
MuffinTop Moxy,
the real life adventures of a girl, her lap band, and her unruly but lovable muffintop!
Here's a magical tune M.T. and I wanted to share with you!
So it is with great anticipation I welcome you to join me on this life changing journey down the Lap Band rabbit whole.
Until next time...

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