Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Over the Shame Game

What the's deal with the hush, hush, on WLS ( Weight Loss Surgery)! It's not like you're on METH or dressing up like a furry stuffed animal and engaging in sexual actiivites. (Which is fine by me whatever floats your boat)
I mean being FAT in today's society is already a stigma. Now we have shows like The Biggest Loser that captivate America.So what's wrong with giving your metabolism a kickstart?
At first I felt a little uneasy sharing with friends and fam what I was about to undergo. Worried about how they'd react, and what they'd say. But honestly after the knot in my throat and nail biting ceased. I shared my impeding journey with friends and loved ones and they were more than supportive.
So if you're thinking about this surgery and going thorough it ALONE. My advice is DONT. Having filled seats in your cheering section could mean all the difference in your weight loss journey.

It's easy for a person who has never been OVERWEIGHT to pass JUDGEMENT. They've never had to battle, buying  fajas (girdle), getting a seat belt extender on the plane, cutting tags out of your clothes so no one knows what size you wear, Had to pay "Fat Tax" for clothing because " it takes more material" for Plus sized clothing, or had people stare at you when you're eating with that " Are you sure YOU should be eating that?" look on their faces. They don't know how it feels and yet want to give a million and five ways to lose weight.
On that note I'd like to take a moment to share a letter :

Dear Naturally Skinny People of the World,

I, Muffin Top Moxy being a woman of extra proportionate size says " I hope you F*&%ING choke on my muffin top!" I don't need or want your weight loss tips. If you've never stepped foot inside a gym, had terrible eating habits and know nothing of what it's like to be FAT. Keep your opinions to yourself. You slender stature doesn't give you the right to judge my size or look at me with that " Oh you could be skinny if you wanted to be"look.
Just because you watched a few episodes of the Biggest Loser and Losing it with Jillian does not make you a personal trainer nor does it qualify you to give me sound weight loss advice. So go some where and have a Coke Zero.


Some believe having WLS is taking the 'easy way out' or that it's the 'magic answer' ...  they couldn't be any more WRONG! Without dedication, proper planning and having the right tools & knowledge, the process of losing weight for a WLS post-op'er can be quite difficult.
It takes just as much determination if not more to undergo weight loss surgery. It's just like in other weight loss protocol. If you don't stick to it, if you don't work with it. It wont work for you.
So enough with the Shame Game. 
Remember You are doing this for YOU!
Until next time...

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