Monday, September 19, 2011

Reality of Lap Band in South Korea

 8 days until I'm officially banded! I dont think I mentioned that  I live and work in South Korea, ( yes thats right the land of kimchi and plastic surgery created K-Pop stars) well at least for the next six weeks. I've been here teaching for the past two years. Plastics and perfection are a way of life in Korea. Koreans want everyone to be  beautiful and thin, so you can imagine  the booming plastics industry from cosmetic to bariatric. Apparenly many foreigners come to Korea to have the Lap Band surgery done. It runs about $5,000 USD self pay including the hospital stay. If you are reading this and are interested feel free to check out Dr. Kang and his team @
The Lap band preperation process is quite different in Korea. They're also a bit lax on the BMI minimum for qualifying for the surgery.
So when I told a few friends that I was getting banded, there was a subsequent pause and then " Korea?   Ummm..ok! If this is something you really want."
Alien band :)
Of course something I want! Yes, I'm having my surgery in Korea by one of it's most renowned  bariatric surgeons. Dr. K is friendly, knowlegeable, and speaks impeccable English, as does all of his staff. His assistant even checks in with me every few days and sends me texts ( so Korean).
So 8 days from now I will put myself in his capable hands and begin my lap band journey.
That being said I cant say I'm not a little worried.  Surgery is surgery no matter how big or small.  I had a strange dream the other night where my lap band decided it didnt like me any more and burst its way through my abdomen Alien-style then proceeded to give me a lecture about food choices.  Someone's sub-concious needs to take a vacay.
But jitters aside I'm excited to be banded.
I've watched youtube videos, looked at before/after photos, joined forums and read  blogs that have inspired  me in the first steps of this journey.
I hope this blog will be as therputic for me as it will be helpful to future bandsters.
Muffin top was excited to share this tune with you. It's her theme song!
Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. This was posted 5 years ago? Any updates, I am American working in Korea for 8 years and need lap Band. Please Reply
