Today I looked at the calender and I'm only 6 days away. I'm not as anxious as I was a few days ago.
I recently joined a Lap band Forum and met fellow Bandsters @
There you can create a profile, talk to others about band related issues, locate a surgeon, and find BandBuddies ( Yay! for my Septemeber 29th Banders: Chula2B, DivaD50, RhiannonM ,and KristininCo) So I happened to pop into a Lap Band chat room and I came across AlienBandit, a fellow waygook and bandster in Korea. It was actually through her blog that I found my surgeon. We chatted for a bit and she reassured me that all the questions I had and anxiety I was feeling was normal. We talked about some of my concerns post-op annd what was to be expected. It's one thing to hear from you Dr." Blah, blah, blah, you're fat, blah, blah, surgery, blah, blah mild discomrfort! blah blah blah sign here."
It's a whole nother thing to hear it from someone going through the same process as you. Someone who's been exactly where you are at this moment. Especially being banded in Korea,we laughed at the fact that Koreans are quick to call you "FAT!" but the minute you stop mowing down food,they're all up in arms. " You sick? You need to see a Dr. for your healt-suh" Oh Korea!
In the mean time, in between time my muffin top is demanding all kinds of ridiculous snacks. When I tell her NO! She talks back and puffs out proud a s peacock and thats no bueno for anyone.
As far as a pre-op diet,I wasn't prescribed one. I've cut back on my carb intake and increased my protein consumption, even though I wans't instructed to by Dr. K. Better safe than sorry.
Speaking of food, I've never been a calorie counter or one of those psycho daily weighers. Now I have become more concious of what I put in my body. I'm embracing the whole "my body is a temple " mantra. I've heard the saying " Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" . However,there are a few things this girl can't live without. I mean, I'm not going to mow down a pound of bacon fried bacon or anything, but I like a steak every now and then and I cant live without Cheez its ( They are my crack). Only if its just a small handful.
A balanced and nutirtious diet is key. I look forward to finding creative healthy substituations for high calorie foods that I love. The Lap Band is not a magic wand, *Poof you're thin!* It takes commitment and motivation. I'm not quitter so I look forward to the challenge.
A balanced and nutirtious diet is key. I look forward to finding creative healthy substituations for high calorie foods that I love. The Lap Band is not a magic wand, *Poof you're thin!* It takes commitment and motivation. I'm not quitter so I look forward to the challenge.
I've decided not only is this going to be a blog related to my muffin top. and my lapband journey but M.T. and I have also decided to share some daily tunes with you along this journey.
Since the theme of today is waiting, here's Waiting Line by Zero 7:
Until next time...
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