Saturday, October 1, 2011

Banded for Life

I, MuffinTop Moxy promise to love, cherish, and work with you. Through sickness and in health. In the good times, the bad times and the time in between.

So I'm one day post op. I'm here at the hospital. You've gotta love Korea for being one of the most "plugged in" countries in the world. Yay for Wifi in my room. They don't have ice chips but they have Wifi! Good to know they've got me post-op priorities in mind.

Yesterday afternoon I was given jazzy hospital issue two pieces capri set complete with surgery tights.* Don't worry I took a picture. My abdomen was shaved and I was ready for the big show.I was escorted down to the surgery suite which looked like a knock off of Dr. Frankenstein's laboratory. I was asked to lie down on a table that looked like some kind of torture table. My arms were strapped to the table while my legs we fitted with weird massaging/warming devices. This is when I started to freak out a little. The anesthesiologist put an oxygen mask on my face, told me to take deep breaths, "WAIT" I said. For what I don't know, but before I knew it I, felt my eyes roll to the back of my head and thought "Oh F*&K, here we go!" I was out for what seemed 10 minutes. I groggily woke up to a number of Koreans saying "Tippani, Tippani, loll on the bed-uh. Loll ober". After what seemed like 5 minutes later, but what was probably more like an hour I opened my eyes to see familiar faces of my friends and two of my co-workers.
Just like that it was all over.
All in all I'd have to say the process wasn't too bad. The first few hrs post-op were pretty uncomfortable. I had super cotton mouth and my stomach felt like I did 600 crunches at the gym and was subsequently roundhouse kicked in my navel. The pain meds were pretty spectacular so I got a good night's rest. After a few dixie cups of ice chips ( from Family Mart),a half cup of creamy chicken soup, and a pain killer, I've been able to walk up and down the hall and even make my way to the bathroom without help.

I'm looking forward to going home and sleeping in my own bed. But I think I will be taking these jazzy hospital Pjs with me. *They have pockets!
So my band ( she will be named shortly) and I are about to pack up my over night bag and head home. Sending lots of love to my fellow September 29th Bandsters. I hope all went well.

I look forward to the coming weeks and my journey as a banded babe.

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Yay, you did it!! Let the journey begin. =)
