Monday, October 24, 2011

No Skinny Minnie

Each day that passes I become more comfortable with me. I find myself talking more candidly about my weight. Which I NEVER would have done before.I'm not as hesitant to take full body pictures anymore. I'm by far no Skinny Minnie, but I'm feeling good. Yes, Cornelius is a tool that has helped but it was me too. I make the conscious decisions about what to eat. I am the one putting in the work. I repeat to myself daily. "My body is a temple, treat it with respect it deserves. Rome was built in a day and neither will the perfect body be." I try not to get discouraged if the scale doesn't move. That's why now I only weigh in on Thursdays. It feels good not to have food rule my life.
I was watching a YouTube video about a woman trying to get to her goal weight. She said " I can eat anything,any time I want,  or I can be thin" I find this statement at times conflicting. I'm from the camp of finding healthier options. In my experience I  think it's better to not deny yourself, but to find an alternative. Now thats not n oink pass to eat a whole box of 100 calorie snacks but you know what I mean.
 It's like telling an artistic kid not to draw on white walls, he's going to do when you're not looking anyways. It's better to buy chalk board paint, designate  place on his wall and let him have at it.
It's all about compromise!
For instance this morning I wanted something sweet but I knew I needed something nutritious and filling to hold me until lunch. I cracked and egg ditched the yolk, added a little cinnamon and skim milk, and dropped in a slice of bread, and Voila! Low-fat French Toast!
I've had my great days and not not so great ones but over all I'm adjusting to this new lifestyle. I've had days when the scale didn't move and I got a little down. But thats to be expected. The key is to look at the weight you have lost, and and how far you've come. I'm a work in progress. Constantly under construction. 
In the spirit of change I leave you with Tracey Chapman's Change
Until next time...

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